so you don’t need to worry when they do.
With five different heating options, Northern Lights Hybrid Spas truly prove their worth as the world’s only hybrid spas. Whether you need electric, gas, or fully hybrid heat pump hot tub – we’ve got you covered.
Hybrid technology allows users to heat with:
- Electric only
- Heat pump only
- Gas only
- Electric & heat pump
- Electric & gas/propane
- Electric only
- Heat pump only
- Gas only
- Electric & heat pump
- Electric & gas/propane

Our Arctic Spa Pack is the only Hybrid Electric Spa pack on the market. Use it as a complete electric-only hot tub with all of our standard amenities including WiFi, Ozone, Mineral Ionizer, LCD mode lighting, and cold weather insulation package.

Alternatively, add an Arctic Heat Pump to create a heat pump hot tub. The Arctic Heat Pump simply plugs into pre-piped supply and return ports on the outside of the hot tub – and you have a full Electric/Heat Pump Hybrid. This allows you to cut energy cost by up to 80%, simply by using the heat pump. However, if at any time the heat pump requires assistance, such as when the temperature drops below -20C (5F), the electric heater will automatically turn on and take over.

In many states, the choice for heating is gas – simply because of the cost, such as in California. So why are there no gas heated hot tubs? The reason is that gas heaters can’t be operated below freezing. This then limits gas heaters to southern states. But hot tubbing in the winter is considered the best time to enjoy a hot tub! Introducing the Hybrid Technology – simply plug your supply & return into the spa’s aux return and supply ports, and let the spa pack take over. When the weather turns too cold for a gas heated hot tub – simply switch to electrical heat.